Community Guidelines

Last updated Jan 30, 2024


The alumni network welcomes all former full-time frog employees. Unfortunately, this excludes current frog / CapGemini employees, interns, and contractors. Eligibility will be reviewed and approved by the frog alumni admin group.


Welcome to the frog alumni community!

This space is for connecting and reconnecting with folks who’ve worked at frog. We’ve found frog to be a very special place, and perhaps the best thing about it is the people. Previously, we’ve maintained loose connections with the former frog community, but in 2024, we’re changing that. In addition to the website, we’ve brought former frogs together in a Slack Team/instance, and we hope to foster in-person and virtual activities. But what we do together is also very much up to you. What do you want out of this community? How would it help you, and how would you help others? Let us know, we’re really invested in making this work. Thanks.


To meet the collective goals of our community, it’s important that all members feel safe and supported. To help everyone have the best possible experience, please take a look at our community guidelines:

Code of Conduct

We want a productive, happy, and agile community.

We gain strength from diversity and actively seek participation from those who enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that all former frogs collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that could jeopardize the participation of any person in the group.

The guidelines govern how we behave in the forums in which we communicate. We expect it to be honored by everyone.

We will:

Be considerate/respectful

Think before you say or do something that may be misunderstood and harmful to others. Disagreement is no excuse for poor manners. Assume good intentions.

Assume responsibility

Take responsibility for mistakes and work to resolve conflict with each other before it escalates. Listen carefully and respectfully.

Trust each other

Recognize that our community works better when we trust each other. ALL participants should feel empowered to lead, take action, and experiment.

Expansive diversity, equity, and inclusion

Our diversity is our strength, but look beyond existing DEI goals and expand them. Think and act with equity for ourselves, our community, and the world around us.

If you see or experience any behavior that is out of line with our community guidelines, please email or reach out to one of the members of the admin team directly:

  • Taneesha Smith-Wattley (frogNY)
  • Jonathan Wasserman (frogNY)
  • Dave Hoffer (frogSF)
  • Patrick Weiss (frogNY+SF, 2008-2014)
  • Laura Baird (frogTX)
  • TBD (frogEU)


Please do…

Introduce yourself (in #welcome and other channels)

Post questions and start discussions on any topics relating to your community focus

Please do not…

Share personal or private information

Post explicit, rude or aggressive content

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